How to Survive a Satanic Attack


Dr. Charles Stanley

Read | Ephesians 6:12-13

When we hear the word war, we think of physical combat with armored vehicles, soldiers in uniform, and deadly weapons. Yet there is a spiritual war going on around us that is just as dangerous—one we often ignore or fail to understand. We have a powerful opponent working against us. In fact, the Lord calls him “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4) because he is the source of evil and wickedness in our world. To overcome Satan’s attacks, we must first recognize that he is a real adversary. Then we need to hold our ground against him. To stand firm, we have to dress for battle.

Wear the belt of truth. Because of who our Enemy is—namely, the Father of Lies—we must wear a belt of God’s truth to counter his deceit. It is imperative that we make a commitment every day to hold to the Lord’s plan, obediently following Him, whatever the cost. Just as a belt secures clothing in place, our lives are to be encircled and held together by the truth of God’s Word.

Put on the breastplate of righteousness. Much like a protective covering, obedience guards us from harm. Since the Devil prowls around seeking to deceive and destroy (1 Peter 5:8), we are to “suit up” daily in the armor that comes from choosing God’s way in our conduct and conversation. When we are protected in this way, Satan’s arrows of lust, doubt, or fear will not penetrate.

Today, safeguard yourself by spending time absorbing God’s truths (the belt) and then applying them through obedient action (the breastplate).