
When the prophet Elijah appears on the scene there is a drought in the physical land and in the spiritual world among God’s people. As the prophet connects with God he brings the supernatural perspective of God to bear and things change for the better. Have you ever wanted to put the super back into your natural life? In this series Dr. Evans will walk you through the method of how to experience the power of the prophet Elijah in your life.

First, you will begin by observing how God demonstrates His power as your source of provision. Then you will learn that the point of contact between the provision of God and the power of God is prayer. This knowledge will help you to understand the urgency of commitment, because the amount of the supernatural you see is linked to your level of commitment as a Christian. When life hits you hard you will learn how to experience His power as you stay grounded in faith and deal with the emotional paralysis of discouragement. Then, as you conclude the series, you will be ready to pass on the baton of faith and leave a spiritual legacy behind for those who follow you.