The Divine Power That Is in the Believer


Read | John 16:5-15

ExostlanleyIn Matthew 13:11, Jesus told the disciples, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to [the crowd] it has not been granted.” As followers of Christ, we, too, have the privilege to know all of the truths God has chosen to reveal in Scripture.

But do you ever feel as if other believers are somehow in on a secret that you don’t know? Do you ever have the sense that they have managed to solve the mystery of how to rejoice in suffering, conquer sin, forgive the unforgivable, or live a life of love in ways you haven’t yet discovered?

If that’s your situation, then I have good news for you. So draw near to hear, and open your eyes to see the truth: The secret to living the Christian life is to become best friends with the Holy Spirit. He has all the right qualities for that role and will not disappoint you—the Bible teaches us that the Spirit of God is someone we can lean on, who helps us make the right decisions, and with whom we can share our deepest feelings (John 14:17; 16:13; 2 Cor. 13:14).

And the Holy Spirit offers believers much more. He loves us, protects us, and assists when we pray. He also works in and through us with divine power, and helps us to become like Jesus.

God’s Spirit is a person with whom we can have a close personal relationship—and He has our best interest at heart. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through the Scriptures, and then be prepared to have a friend unlike any earthly companion—one who is with you constantly, whispering of your heavenly Father’s mercy and your Savior’s love.